
Photovoltaic systems on WWTP


The design of a PV system for a sewage treatment plant or for the site of pumping stations goes through several phases, starting with the potential analysis and ending with the generation of renewable electricity.

Potential and economic efficiency

First, a potential analysis is carried out to check the suitability of the area on the wastewater treatment plant site. Solar radiation, orientation, inclination and possible shading are analyzed. All areas are examined for their suitability for rooftop systems, ground-mounted systems or tracker systems (tracked PV systems).

The study determines the expected electricity generation capacity and includes a profitability analysis that evaluates costs, funding opportunities and expected feed-in tariffs. This analysis helps to assess the profitability of the project and to identify possible financial support through subsidy programs.

After a successful profitability analysis, a decision is made to implement the PV system(s). This includes the decision on the budget, the choice of technology and the selection of the partners and service providers involved.

Design and approval planning

The design planning includes the detailed elaboration of the design, including the selection of the modules, inverters and mounting systems of the photovoltaic system(s) and the cost calculation. Integration into the existing sewage treatment plant network is also taken into account to ensure efficient use of electricity.

Permits are then applied for from the relevant authorities and the distribution grid operator and funding applications are submitted.

Implementation planning and tendering

The invitation to tender - a detailed specification with plans and sample planning - is then prepared and published. The bids are checked formally, economically and technically. The best bid is finally awarded the contract.

Implementation phase

The construction phase begins with the kick-off meeting, at which all those involved meet on site and discuss the key points for a smooth construction process. This is followed by the installation of the PV system (substructure and modules), the installation of the inverters, the electrical connection to the power grid and the installation of the energy management system according to the schedule.
Entsprechend dem Terminplan folgen dann der Aufbau der PV-Anlage (Unterkonstruktion und Module), der Einbau der Wechselrichter, der elektrotechnische Anschluss an das Stromnetz und die Einrichtung des Energiemanagementsystems.

When the PV system(s) is/are commissioned, it/they generate electricity to cover self-consumption. Surpluses are fed into the public grid.

In this way, operators of wastewater treatment plants make a major contribution to sustainable energy supply and reduce their electricity costs in the long term.

Experience - references

BITControl has built up a wealth of experience in recent years. PV potential is determined in every feasibility study in accordance with the Local Authorities Directive. In addition to energy generation, the topics of energy storage, charging infrastructure and load management are also examined.

Some references are listed in the following graphic.

Autor: Andreas Müller

Further contributions

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