
Feasibility studies in accordance with municipal guidelines (KRL)


Funding for climate protection projects in the municipal environment

The municipal guideline is administered by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety (BMU) in Germany. It supports municipalities in implementing climate protection measures and contributes to the achievement of climate targets.

Funding is available for a wide range of projects and measures in the areas of energy efficiency, renewable energies, mobility, building refurbishment and other climate-related issues. Local authorities can receive financial support from the KRL to implement innovative projects and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Feasibility studies play a decisive role within the framework of the KRL in order to assess and promote the feasibility and efficiency of climate protection projects in municipal contexts. They help to ensure that investments can be used in a targeted and sustainable manner to advance climate targets at local level.

Feasibility studies in the field of wastewater management

Feasibility studies in the field of wastewater management are used to make informed decisions on how municipal resources can be used effectively to promote climate protection and at the same time improve the quality of wastewater disposal. They ensure that investments are targeted and offer both environmental and economic benefits.

Ablauf einer Machbarkeitsstudie

The process of such a study usually follows a structured procedure comprising various phases. The following is a typical sequence of steps that are taken into account when conducting such a study

Project definition

First, the objectives of the feasibility study are clearly defined. This includes determining the scope of the study, the technical options to be investigated and the expected results. For example, the aim could be to examine the feasibility of an energy-efficient conversion of an existing wastewater treatment plant.

Analysis of the initial situation

A detailed analysis of the current situation is carried out. This includes an inventory of the existing wastewater infrastructure, the technical equipment of the wastewater treatment plant, the operating data and the previous environmental balance (e.g. energy consumption, CO2 emissions).

Potential analysis according to DWA-A 216

DWA-A 216 specifies the framework conditions for carrying out a potential analysis. The evaluation of operating data makes it possible to classify the energy consumption of the most important process stages of a wastewater treatment plant and to determine potential energy savings.

Technical options

Various technical solutions and options for achieving the defined goals are being evaluated. This could include testing different treatment processes, technologies for generating energy from wastewater or for reducing greenhouse gases.

Economic evaluation

A cost-benefit analysis is carried out to assess the financial impact of the proposed options. Investment costs, operating costs, possible savings and potential revenues from the recovery of recyclable materials are taken into account. Funding opportunities from KRL will also be examined.

Risk assessment and action plan

Potential risks and challenges that could be associated with the implementation of the proposed options are identified. An action plan is developed to minimize these risks and ensure successful implementation.

Preparation of the study

The results of the feasibility study are documented in a detailed report. This includes a summary of the options analyzed, key findings, recommendations for decision makers and possible next steps.

Decision and implementation

Based on the results of the feasibility study, the decision-makers make an informed decision on the implementation of the proposed measures. This may include applying for further funding from KRL or other funding sources.

Energy saving of the WWTP Zweibrücken

In 2016, the Zweibrücken wastewater treatment plant (70,000 population equivalents, PE) was examined in terms of its wastewater treatment performance and energy efficiency as part of a potential study. Based on this evaluation, potential savings were identified and various optimization measures were derived. The majority of these measures were implemented in the period from 2017 to 2019, demonstrably reducing energy requirements significantly and increasing the self-generation rate.

An important part of the action plan was the process engineering conversion of the biological stage and the optimization and renewal of the aeration system. In addition, the combined heat and power plant (CHP) and other units were replaced and equipped with performance measurements in order to be able to track energy consumption and the efficiency of the measures.

As a result of these measures, energy consumption was reduced from 1,719,278 kWh/a (2015/2016) to 1,167,284 kWh/a (2018/2019). The specific energy requirement fell from 29.2 kWh/EW∙a to 16.9 kWh/EW∙a. In addition, the proportion of in-house generation was increased from 46.1% to around 80%.

Extensive experience - Our references

Stadt AndernachKA Andernach (98.450 EW)
VG RüdesheimKA Ellerbachtal (8.000 EW)
KA Gräfenbachtal (8.000/20.466 EW)
KA Schlossböckelheim (8.000 EW)
VG Offenbach an der QueichKA Hochstadt (10.300/23.000 EW)
KA Offenbach (12.000 EW)
VG HauensteinKA Hermersbergerhof (300 EW)
KA Hofstätten (700 EW)
KA Luger Tal (2.100 EW)
KA Queichtal (9.000 EW)
KA Wieslauter (4.000 EW
Natur- & Geopark Mellerdall, LuxKA Echternach (36.000 EW)
VG DahlemKA Dahlem (4.700 EW)
VG Betzdorf-GebhardshainKA Nauroth
KA Friesenhagen-Steeg
KA Wallmenroth
VG Bitburger LandKA Bettingen (2.000EW)
KA Dudeldorf (3.660EW)
KA Enzen (300EW)
KA Fließem (1.200EW)
KA Hüttingen a.d. Kyll (1.200EW)
KA Idesheim (550EW)
KA Meckel (530EW)
KA Messerich (3.045EW)
KA Nattenheim (3.280EW)
KA Oberweis (4.700EW)
KA Rittersdorf (2.100EW)
KA Röhl (600EW)
KA Sülm (1.200EW)
KA Wiersdorf (2.800EW)
KA Badem (2.300EW)
KA Burbach (1.300EW)
KA Malberg (7.200EW)
KA Neidenbach (1.700EW)
KA Oberkail (1.620EW)
KA Pickließem (1.300EW)
AV Lauter-WetterKA Ober-Bessingen (25.800 EW)
UBZZ ZweibrückenKA Zweibrücken (70.000 EW)
VG UlmenKA Bad Bertrich (2.700 EW)
KA Gevenich-Büchel (2.200 EW)
KA Gillenbeuren (500 EW)
KA Lutzerath (3.500 EW)
KA Schmitt (3.800 EW)
KA Urschmitt (700 EW)
KA Wagenhausen (100 EW)
KA Weiler (400 EW)
KA Wollmerath (400 EW)
VG RuwerKA Ruwertal (32.500 EW)
VG MaifeldKA Nothbachtal (35.000 EW)
KA Ochtendung (9.000 EW)
KA Ruitsch-Kerben-Minkelfeld (1.000 EW)
KA Wallerbachtal (1.500 EW)
KA Metternich (500 EW)
Stadtwerke BüdingenKA Büdingen (25.000 EW)
AV SeemenbachKA Rinderbügen (4.000 EW)
AV Ohm-SeenbachKA Nieder-Ohmen
AV LimburgKA Limburg (68.000 EW)
VG Römerberg-DudenhofenKA Römerberg (10.352 EW)
VG SüdeifelKA Karlshausen
KA Kruchten (1.600 EW)
KA Neuerburg (4.300 EW)
KA Weidingen (430 EW)
Stadt WarburgKA Daseburg (12.000 EW)
KA Warburg
VG WinnweilerKA Winnweiler (24.000 EW)

Der Beitrag wurde verfasst von Jonas Nebeler.

Further contributions

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